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Sustainable Direct Mail or Standard Direct Mail

Sustainable Direct Mail or Standard Direct Mail

Marketing isn't just about getting your message out—it's about doing it in a way that aligns with the values of your audience - what they care about. More and more, those values include a care for the environment.

In this blog, we compare how a typical direct mail campaign stacks up against a campaign done more sustainably. Spoiler: it's not just better for the planet—it's better for your brand, more so than most businesses realise!

The Standard Direct Mail Approach

When running a traditional direct mail campaign, the standard elements are straightforward:

- Data: Select and purchase your mailing list and segment your audience.

- Artwork: Your design is created and prepared for print.

- Print: The flyers, brochures, letters or promotional items are printed and personalised.

- Enclosure and postage: Your materials are machine-enclosed in envelopes and posted to your recipients.

While this approach gets your message in the hands of your customers, it could be greener. The environmental cost can be high, with potential paper waste, carbon emissions from production and transport, and excess resources used.

The Sustainable Direct Mail Approach

With a sustainable approach, you take that same campaign—but put it on sustainable-steroids it to align with today's sustainability expectations:

- Carbon-balanced print: We ensure that the carbon emissions generated during the printing process are measured and offset by investing in projects that balance those emissions, such as protecting endangered forests.

- Carbon-balanced envelopes: We apply the same carbon-balancing principles to your envelopes, ensuring that the entire package is eco-friendly.

- Sustainable credentials: Every envelope and enclosed item carries visible credentials that show your commitment to sustainability. Whether it's a certification logo or a message about the carbon offsetting process, your recipients will know you care.

- Sustainable mailing house: Mailing houses that are offsetting their emissions to be carbon neutral, along with actively investing in reducing their carbon impact (such as installing solar panels)

What Is Carbon Balancing?

Carbon balancing goes beyond simple initiatives like planting trees. While tree-planting is great, it's often not the most impactful or sustainable solution, especially when it comes to offsetting emissions from activities like printing and mailing.

With carbon balancing, we invest in long-term conservation projects, particularly protecting and restoring forests that naturally absorb carbon dioxide. These efforts ensure that existing ecosystems are preserved, preventing further environmental degradation. Plus, the impact is more immediate—trees in mature forests already do the heavy lifting of absorbing carbon, whereas newly planted trees take decades to have a similar effect.

By choosing carbon-balanced print and envelopes, you're supporting verified conservation projects that make a real difference today—not in 50 years.

Why Sustainable Mail Resonates More with People—and Businesses

Sustainability isn't just a buzzword. More than ever, customers and companies are paying attention to the environmental impact of the brands they choose to support. A study from Nielsen found that 81% of global consumers feel strongly that companies should help improve the environment. This means that every green choice you make becomes part of your brand story.

By using Greener Mail, you're doing more than reducing your carbon footprint—you're showing your customers that you're committed to real, actionable change. And if your target audience includes businesses that want to *appear* green, this approach helps them do that while making a genuine impact.

It's no secret that **direct mail consistently outperforms digital marketing in terms of response rates**. According to the Direct Marketing Association, **direct mail has an average response rate of 4.4%, compared to just 0.12% for email**. When you combine that effectiveness with a sustainable approach, you're hitting a marketing sweet spot: a high-impact campaign that resonates with modern values.

Why Your Next Direct Mail Campaign Should Be Greener

Direct mail is a potent addition to any marketing strategy. It cuts through the digital noise and delivers a tangible, personal message directly to your customers' hands. But with Greener Mail, it does even more. It shows that your business cares about its impact on the planet—and that's something customers notice.

Anecdotes from our clients confirm the power of this approach. One business told us how adding the "carbon-balanced" logo to their mailers sparked conversations with new clients who were specifically looking for eco-conscious partners. Another reported that their response rates increased by nearly 10% after making the switch to carbon-balanced print, as their messaging felt more aligned with the values of their audience.

Take the Greener Approach Today

With Greener Mail, you can create a direct mail campaign that's not only effective but also environmentally responsible. Every flyer, brochure, or postcard you send out carries a story—one that tells your audience you're committed to making a difference.

So why not make your next campaign greener? Join the businesses who are already reaping the benefits of combining high-impact marketing with sustainability. Your customers—and the planet—will thank you.

Give us a call to start your greener campaign today, and let's make your direct mail as effective as it is eco-friendly.

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